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7th and 8th grade camp is a great opportunity for youth to have their faith stretched and deepened. Each day we participate in worship, small group lessons about life and Scripture, and a time of Cabin prayer and discussion. Part of our day is also planned so that youth can grow in their friendships with one another through games, campfire, free time, and other fun activities. Every part of our day is geared towards getting to know God and each other. We look forward to seeing you there!
Important Information
Grades: 7th & 8th (completed)
Dates: June 22- 28, 2025
Price: $323 ($348 after May 26th)
Registration/Check-in Time: June 22- 3:00 P.M.
Pickup/Check-out Time: June 28 – 11:00 A.M.
Theme: “Trusting God with your Emotions” Mark 12
7th & 8th Grade camp is directed by Kyle Williams and David Rude
Kyle and Rebecca Williams have been serving at the Newberg Church of Christ since May of 2013. They met and were married out at Camp Yamhill. Camp holds a special place in their hearts!
David Rude is an associate minister at the Eastside Church of Christ in Portland. David and his family have been associated with Camp Yamhill for many years.
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